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Holding hero image

Welcome to the Canopy & Stars get enriched quick scheme. It’s a lucrative investment opportunity that pays you in memories and moments that’ll be with you for the rest of your life - the glow of love as cold hands meet round a coffee cup by the campfire, the pure relaxation of having no signal and not giving a flying phone, the sense of togetherness when the conversation flows on around the pop of a cork. Within a year, if you plan it right, our portfolio of possibilities that we call The Enriched List could lead you to a fortune in feelings.

We’ll be sending you some great ideas in the next few weeks if you're signed up to our newsletter, but if you're keen to get on with making memories peruse these handy hints.

All you need is love

Love just had to top The Enriched List. It takes all your problems, chucks them out of the window and says, “don’t worry, I’m here!” You can find it in grand gestures, or the smallest things. 


Give them your last marshmallow


Sneak out before they’re awake and bring them a cup of tea


Top and tail on the sofa for a long, entangled nap

Friends, family, togetherness

Balance on an improvised crate chair, drinking wine from what’s actually a small vase. It’s all part of the joyful chaos that only comes when you get everyone together.


Bravely revive the great monopoly argument of ‘87


Get the dinner production line going


Moan about herding cats when you secretly love organising everything

Eyes wide with excitement

When that heart-pounding, chest-tightening sensation grabs you, just let it out. Give it your best wow/whoop/hell yeah!


Stage a blindfolded lake cabin arrival (perhaps not one for the driver)


Keep the weekend secret until you pull up outside


Say in a calm tone, “there’s a sauna…. on the roof... of our treehouse”

Stress out, relaxation in

Clear out the background noise, feel the tension drop out of your muscles and focus on the rhythm of your heartbeat. It’s time to relax.


Close your eyes and time the creak of the hammock ropes


Breakfast at 11, lunch at 6... wine for dinner. Who cares.


Read from daylight to darkness

A spark of inspiration

A change of scenery, a fresh perspective and suddenly, there it is. Something new that lights up your life. Inspiration keeps you young.


Try something new: a tree ball, a floating cabin, a Gypsy wagon, a bus!


Drop off the map and discover somewhere different


Bin civilisation and let your inner wildness out

For fun's sake

Don’t overthink it, don’t plan it, just barrel into it and enjoy it. Unless it’s a bramble patch. Then we suggest gently picking at it. 




Balance on someone’s shoulders to pick those plump, high up blackberries


Find a river, strip, run and jump. Whooping optional, but encouraged.